Saturday, March 17, 2012

Training secrets homework

Tomorrow we're going to feature an article which will reveal the entire secret to training horses.

In preparation, please consider these four diagrams.  If you are feeling adventurous, post a comment about how you think they will explain the secret to training horses.

Physical confinement by means of fences.

Physical confinement by means of fences.
Physical confinement by means of ropes.

Physical confinement by means of ropes.

Physical confinement by means of fences and ropes.

Physical confinement by means of fences and rope.

No physical confinement

No physical confinement


  1. It is my deepest hope to apply imagination and creativity to my relationship with my horses. The only tools would be love and faith. The goals would be art and unity by mutual invitation, absent of fear.

  2. There is litle chance of creating and sustaining a relationship based on trust, authenticity and integrity - if the human needs to work from a place of fear or dominance.

    No wanting, no making, no place for anything that hinders a connecion created from "nothingness"

  3. the only place the horse could act naturally would be no confinement. we want the horse to show her opinions, make choices not react to stimuli. only a free horse with the choice to say no can then Choose to have a relationship with us. realizing how intelligent and sensitive horses really are helps them to help us to understand them, because they are not only very intelligent but extremely generous.
